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Nightwalker Magic Darkvision
Grants the ability to see in the dark. Can cast this on himself or someone else. Blur
He enters a twilight state between life and death. Reduces damage taken and makes him harder to hit. Darkness
Creates a cloud of magical darkness that blinds all trapped within it. ShadowBolt
Ball of shadow and necrotic energy that Vo has full control of, he can send it to weave around objects to strike a target. |
Dragon Magic/Abilities DragonForm
Transforms into a large feral dragon, he is fully sentient in this form but he cannot speak. He is 50' from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail with a wingspan of 60'. AcidBreath
Breathes a stream of concentrated dark purple acid that deals both necrotic and shadow damage. Gust
Sends a torrent of wind with his wings, knocking over everything and every one in its path. TailWhip
Simple as it sounds, he lashed his tail to knock over an enemy/opponent. |